Monday, October 19, 2009

Great News!

We've received several e-mails about extending the deadline for ticket purchases...

After talking with the Landmark today we've convinced them to extended the deadline to Thursday! Hopefully this helps out the individuals who have e-mailed about extending the deadline and you'll be able to come. So with that said, the new deadline to purchase tickets is Thursday, October 22nd at noon.

**The only place to purchase tickets for the dinner is via the paypal link found on this page. Unfortunately, there isn't an option to pay at the door, as the Landmark requires final numbers prior to the event.**

Also, please don't forget to take the short "Most Likely" survey.

What follows are questions about who is "most likely" to be or have done certain things--for example, most likely to become a nun, or most likely to form a new political party. This is just for fun, though winners will receive a prize of nominal value.

Please click the below link to begin:

Results will be announced Saturday night at the Landmark dinner!

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